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GWEH Request for Proposals

Summer camp property owners seek emailed proposals for high-quality non-profit organizations with the capacity, talent, vision, expertise, and experience to operate programming on the land. GWEH is looking for dynamic and interesting proposals that fill a gap in the overall landscape and recognize that a market rate might be initially prohibitive based on the populations served. We are willing to entertain subsidizing the terms for programs and projects that inspire, explore, and may not have a proven model yet, or for those providing
programs for under-resourced communities.

The RFP is for a qualified, experienced 501c3 organization to lease a portion(s) of the property.


  • To provide transformative and inclusive camping experiences for individuals, particularly those from traditionally marginalized or underserved populations with historically less access to nature and the natural world.

  • To ensure the camp property is used sustainably and in alignment with values as indicated in the decision matrix.


Eligible Camp Areas

Previously operated by the YMCA of Greater New York and Camp Reimagined, the camp property spans approximately 954 acres. It has a rich history of serving youth from diverse backgrounds.

Four distinct, unique, and separate areas of the camp are available for a proposal.

Any combination of proposals for one or more of the locations is acceptable.

Operational Expectations

  • Full program responsibility

  • Independent operation- including day to day area maintenance, food service, program, compliance.

  • Properly insured, including adding GWEH as additionally insured

  • To operate in good faith in identifying and resolving areas of shared services and overlaps with other operations on site

  • Be open with GWEH to conversations around capital improvement needs, overlapping mechanical/electrical/waste systems and general site overhead sharing.


Proposals must include the following:

1. Primary Point of Contact
2. Organizational background and mission
3. Management staff qualifications, education and experience
4. Description of proposed programs and activities
5. Target population and outreach strategies
6. Experience in operating similar programs
7. Financial plan and sustainability
8. Strategies for inclusivity and equity
9. Proposed terms for a lease.

We are looking forward to reviewing all proposals and appreciate in advance
all efforts put into this inquiry.

Direct all RFP specific inquiries and questions to

For short-term 2025 rentals, please contact

Thanks for submitting!

GWEH Rights and Options

  • GWEH reserves the following rights, which may be exercised at it’s sole discretion:

    • ​To supplement, amend, substitute or otherwise modify this RFP at any time

    • To cancel this RFP with or without the substitution of another RFP

    • To take any action subject to this RFP that would be in the best interests of GWEH

    • To issue additional requests for information

    • To require one or more Organizations to supplement, clarify or provide additional
      information in order for GWEH to evaluate the Proposals submitted

    • To conduct investigations with respect to the qualifications and experience of each
      proposing organization

    • To waive any defect or irregularity in any Proposal received

    • To reject any or all Proposals

    • To award all, none, or any part of the Services that is in the best interest of
      GWEH, with one or more of the Organizations responding, which may be done with or
      without re-solicitation

    • To discuss and negotiate with selected Organizations conditions in the proposals
      including but not limited to financial terms

    • To enter into any agreement deemed by GWEH to be in the best interest of GWEH

RFP not an Offer
This RFP does not constitute an offer by GWEH. No binding contract, obligation to negotiate, or any other obligation will be created on the part of GWEH unless GWEH and the
Organization execute a Contract. No recommendations or conclusions from this RFP process concerning the Organization will constitute a right (property or otherwise) under the

Constitution of the United States, case law, or statutory law of New York.

Right to terminate discussions
The Organization’s participation in this process might result in GWEH selecting the
Organization to engage in further discussions. The commencement of such discussions,
however, does not signify a commitment by GWEH to execute a Contract or to further
continue discussions. GWEH can terminate discussions at any time and for any reason.
Requirement for representation as to accuracy and completeness of proposal
Each Organization will make the following representations and warranty in its Proposal
Cover Letter, the falsity of which might result in rejection of its Proposal: “The
information contained in this Proposal or any part thereof, including its Exhibits,
Schedules, and other documents and instruments delivered or to be delivered to GWEH, is
true, accurate, and complete. This Proposal includes all information necessary to ensure
that the statements therein do not in whole or in part mislead GWEH as to any material
Prohibited Discrimination
GWEH is committed to promoting equal opportunities for all and to eliminating prohibited
discrimination in all forms. For purposes of this section, Prohibited Discrimination means
discrimination in the solicitation, selection, and/or treatment of any sub-Contractor,
vendor, supplier or commercial customer on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, age,
religion, national origin, disability or other unlawful form of discrimination. Without
limiting the foregoing, Prohibited Discrimination also includes retaliating against any
person, business or other entity for reporting any incident of Prohibited Discrimination.
It is understood and agreed that not only is Prohibited Discrimination improper for legal
and moral reasons, Prohibited Discrimination is also an anti-competitive practice that
tends to increase the cost of goods and services to GWEH and others. As a condition of
entering into any Agreement, the Organization will represent, warrant and agree that it
does not and will not engage in or condone Prohibited Discrimination. Without limiting any
rights GWEH may have at law or under any other provision of any Agreement, it is
understood and agreed that a violation of this provision constitutes grounds for GWEH to
terminate any such Agreement.
Additional Evidence of Ability
Organization will be prepared to present additional evidence of experience,
qualifications, abilities, equipment, facilities, and financial standing. GWEH reserves
the right to request such information at any time during the Proposal evaluation period
for this RFP.
No Collusion or Conflict of Interest
By responding to this RFP, the Organization will be deemed to have represented and
warranted that the Proposal is not made in connection with any competing Organization submitting a separate response to this RFP, and in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. 

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